*breakdown of everything soon
Date 10/31/24
The left is the old version. I made a slight change to the final shot and was able to pull a shadow from the Nuke file Sydney provided. I was able to take the alpha and turn it into a shadow

Something new I learned to use in Nuke was the Cryptomatte. Kulian showed me how it works, and I have been using it ever since. I used the Nuke file that Kulian gave and it helped me with color correction to separate shadow as it was in the same layer as the beauty layer

Date 10/29/24
When transitioning from black to color, the background appeared low-saturated compared to the easel and pyro effects. I color-graded the render of the easel and pyro to align with the scene.

Date: 10/27/24
-Final Shot
There was a free 3D Skittle scan on Sketch Fab, which I used to catch the shadow for the real one.
Sydney captured an image of the skittle bag, roto it, and then handed me the file to integrate it into the CG room.
I presented various positions for the final shot and allowed the team to select their preferred option. Although they favored the last position, the first one was better suited for when the skittle was shot.

-New Camera Angle
I re-render every camera angle and pass, then set up a new one that the mentor wanted for the close-up shot. I use the camera that Kulian worked on, import it into my file, and adjust the position to match the set.
The 3D objects were in the correct scale, it was the perspective and angle of the camera that needed to change. I corrected my perspective with the professors' assistance and rearranged the room to best suit the team.
New perspective with a camera focal length of 50mm
Old perspective with a camera focal length of 34mm