I've been assigned to a team with Kulia, Eva, and Sydney(Team KESS). I was tasked as a VFX lighter
The team went through different ideas, original the plan was to start in black and white and then change to a brighter color over time. My plan for lighting and color is to slowly change the color as the camera moves.
We continue to explore different possibilities as each individual contributes their ideas and insight into the project. With many ideas, Eva and Kulin helped visualize the structure through storyboards. This was a great aid to me in understanding the concept they wanted to go.
After the discussion, we went further than the initial plan, the plan changed but we had solid ideas to execute the project. We chose Skittle to develop our project
Below are visualizations for the project
Some rough ideas and references for lighting
It will start in a low saturated color and end in an exposed color