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Project 2: Lighting translucency CG Object through Composite

Saw Htoo

Updated: Apr 7, 2024

PART A: Camera Tracking


image test - these are images used to test the camera and find the location for the project.

This was the final location and image set I planned for the project. The weather was problematic the day I took the photo, it was cloudy and there were multiple attempts to get consistent lighting.

For the photos of the chrome ball, I took images in Photoshop and turned them into HDR


I didn't have enough footage for the First set, so I reshot with what's available.

New set and reference:

I took the footage and tracked it in Nuke. There were other videos but the lowest amount of error I could get was 0.9 and it was with this video.

Over the weekend, I retracted and got a better result of 0.66

I exported the footage and imported it in Maya, and then I moved the camera to have the floor lay flat. I playblast it to see how it looks.

The camera movement was perfect so I aligned the camera to the gride and keyframe the part where you see the object move.


PART B: Customized Elements


After getting the camera movement to line up, I set up layers of different types of texture for the Object.

2/11 (Updated)


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